3 Easy Ways to Make Money Fast

Kema Christian-Taylor - WayUp Staff
3 Easy Ways to Make Money Fast

As a college student, you have to deal with the cost of tuition, room & board, registration and textbook fees…the list goes on. With such extensive expenses, you can always use some extra pocket change: The trouble is that having a job during the school year isn’t easy – it takes a lot of preparation to get a job, much less complete the work involved. 

The good news is that on WayUp, we have one-time jobs that allow students to focus on their school work, but still make a quick buck (or 50) on the side. Here are the best and fastest ways to make money on our site.

Test an app

User experience is an extremely important part of any website, service or app, so it’s no surprise that beta testers are in high demand when an app is close to being released, and when the target audience is college students like you, companies are willing to pay for your feedback.

WayUp receives one-time jobs like this each week because getting outside input is so important to a company’s growth – and the applicant quota fills up fast! Keep checking your Jobs & Internships dashboard, and make sure you’re signed up for our weekly job notifications emails so that you don’t miss out on making some extra cash.

Staff an event

Whether you’re taking photos or helping to check in attendees, you can easily make money in a single day by helping to make sure an event runs smoothly. We’ve seen offerings ranging from $50 to over $100 per event.

WayUp is hiring one-time photographers and event staff for the WayUp Tour, and we’re paying $60 per day for you to help students as they get a free, professional headshot. We’ve posted several jobs near the schools we’ll be visiting. Check out this Event Staff position for students near Brandeis University.


Whether you’re participating in a psychology study, answering survey questions or even administering the survey yourself, you can get paid by contributing to research findings. Take a look at this Survey Administrator gig – all you need to do is distribute a series of questions to your fellow classmates, and you’ll receive $50.

Looking for other easy ways to make money? Sign up for WayUp, and check out all our one-time offerings.