KPMG, one of the Big 4 Accounting Firms, has taken their investment in new hires and candidates to a whole new level. This investment is seen in the form of their sprawling KPMG Lakehouse campus in Orlando, Florida where new and tenured professionals go to build their skills, participate in training, and grow their network.
One particular immersion that KPMG has at Lakehouse is their Talent Sync program where intern and full-time candidates gather to learn what life is like at KPMG and to get better acquainted with the firm.
While the benefits of Talent Sync are vast, we’ve identified a few main allures through conversations with participants and facilitators of the program. Whether it is simulated work experiences and first-hand narratives of personal journeys or networking and team-building exercises, KPMG Talent Sync is an excellent opportunity for early-career candidates looking to jumpstart their professional services careers and immerse themselves into a vibrant work culture.
Seeing Yourself in Their Shoes
One of the main benefits of Talent Sync is that prospective interns, new hires, and candidates get the chance to interact with professionals from all different levels of the firm. The goal of the program is to provide an opportunity for participants to imagine their own career trajectories at the firm.

Jacob went on to say how inspiring it was listening to leaders in the same field he was interested in talk with so much passion. This motivated him to set similar goals for himself and choose KPMG as the place where he wants to begin his career.
When we spoke with Courtney Kelly, a manager on the University Talent Acquisition team who helped facilitate Talent Sync, she explained how “interns aren’t always thinking about years down the line, so by having multiple levels of professionals on-site at Talent Sync, candidates are better able to picture themselves in different positions within the company.” Looking at Jacob’s story, it’s clear that KPMG’s efforts did just that.
A Behind The Scenes Look at What Life Is Like at KPMG
Another great allure of KPMG Talent Sync is the opportunity for prospective interns and new hires to see what life is really like at KPMG. This means learning about both the work you’re going to be doing and the benefits you get as an employee.
In the practice breakout rooms at the program, Audit, Tax, and Advisory professionals with various levels of experience lead interactive sessions on a range of topics relevant to their respective practices. These sessions offer participants a unique opportunity to engage with professionals in a small group setting and gain insights into the work performed on their teams.
Talent Sync goes as far as having designated location-specific cohorts on-site to help candidates understand what life at KPMG is like. This past year, Audit Senior Associate, Brady Blanton had the privilege of being an on-site cohort captain. While Brady helped participants at Talent Sync understand everything involved with the actual work they will be doing, he also offered them insight into everything outside the work of a KPMG professional as well.

The fact that KPMG has someone like Brady on-site at Talent Sync to show these participants a really accurate portrayal of the firm’s culture and work-life just goes to show how much they invest in candidates before the job even starts. By the end of our conversation with Brady, it was clear that KPMG was making an effort to show these candidates that they really wanted them to work for the firm and cared about their future.
Building Career-Long Relationships
When KPMG invites candidates to Talent Sync, they do so with the intention of compelling them to accept their offer to join a firm with incredible opportunities to grow their careers and their network.
Talent Sync naturally becomes a place where career-long relationships begin.

KPMG knows what it takes to be successful in the accounting industry and clearly values strong networking opportunities. Whether it’s to start career-long relationships or see a real inside look at what life is like at the firm and what your career could consist of, Talent Sync is one of the most unique opportunities for early-career candidates interested in professional services.
If you want to learn what it takes to grow and develop yourself at one of the Big 4 accounting firms, take a look at some of the open roles and job opportunities at KPMG on their WayUp profile or
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