Update: Lean In Makes the Save

12 years ago

We'd like to congratulate Lean In and Sheryl Sandberg on their decision to set up a formal paid internship that…

Unpaid Internships for Nonprofits: Lean In Joins the Controversy

12 years ago

Sheryl Sandberg, founder of the nonprofit organization Lean In, published her best-selling book, Lean In, on March 1st, 2013. All proceeds…

“Today’s Intern is Tomorrow’s CEO” says Porter Gale

12 years ago

Our friends over at SmartRecruiters recently had the pleasure of having Porter Gale speak at their headquarters. Gale, author of Your Network…

Job Hunt: The Post-Graduation Dilemma

12 years ago

Graduating college can mean different things to different people. For some it means launching headfirst into the job they’ve had…

5 Things You MUST Do Before Leaving Your Summer Internship

12 years ago

Wouldn't it be tragic to leave your summer internship saying, “Man, I wish I had done (fill in the blank)?"…

Why You Should Be Networking with Other Interns

12 years ago

We all know why we should be networking with our bosses and coworkers from a summer internship—not only are they…

What Are the Best Cities for Entry-Level Jobs?

12 years ago

Like many recent graduates, you're probably wondering where you should be headed in order to snag those coveted entry-level jobs.…

Qualities of a Good Internship

12 years ago

The following guide was created by Julian Weisser of Bundio on how to identify the best (and worst!) internships around.…

How to Get an Entry-Level Job With No Internship Experience

12 years ago

All the conventional wisdom about how to tweak your resume to land an entry-level job is no help at all…

New Grad: Startup or Large Company, Which One is Best for You?

12 years ago

We took to Facebook and asked college students what they chose: a startup or a large company, and why? While…