Boss of the Week: Caitlyn DeGuzman, Florida State University Class of 2017

Irene Huhulea, WayUp Staff
Boss of the Week: Caitlyn DeGuzman, Florida State University Class of 2017

One of the best parts of our week is hearing about students and recent grads who have found their dream jobs. This week we’re spotlighting Caitlyn DeGuzman, a junior at FSU.

Caitlyn recently got hired as a Brand Ambassador at Flamingo and she couldn’t be more excited. Here’s what she had to say about her new role:

“I actually didn’t know what the app was before I signed up to be a Brand Ambassador, but now I absolutely love it. Working for such fun people and promoting an app that I actually enjoy using makes this job really easy. Plus, the co-founders, Lee and India, are awesome and so fun to work for. ”

In addition to being a great fit, Caitlyn’s new job is also helping her achieve her main college goal: having fun!

“I’ve learned that only I can make the best decisions for myself. I had a really hard time picking a major (I’m still not entirely sold on my choice). Parents will have their own ideas and so will everyone else. But if I had put my foot down and done what I wanted to do from the very beginning I could’ve saved myself from a lot of stress! Looking back, I’d also tell myself it’s important to have FUN! Sure, grades are important, but so is having fun and enjoying the path to your goals, whatever they may be :)”

Ready to find your own great job? Here are some great jobs and internships that you can apply to right now.