9 Mistakes You Definitely Want to Avoid on Your First Day of Work

9 Mistakes You Definitely Want to Avoid on Your First Day of Work

Beginning a new internship, job or other opportunity can be nerve-wracking, whether it’s the challenge of adjusting to a new office, fitting in with your co-workers or taking on responsibilities you’re not used to.

Luckily, making a good first impression doesn’t have to be difficult; it’s all about understanding some basic office etiquette and politics. Here are nine things you want to avoid doing during your first day. 

1. Ranting About How Your Dream Employer Turned You Down

Talk about awkward. Don’t isolate yourself by turning your nose up at the job you got or badmouthing roles at your company. It’s not a good look. 

2. Arriving to Work Late

This one is pretty obvious, but a lot of people fall victim to it. You may not be used to waking up at the time required for this new job. Struggles with the snooze button, troubles with transportation and issues with roommates are all excuses in the eyes of your new boss, so remember: It’s always better to be early, waiting around, than to be even just a few minutes late.

3. Going Out (or Staying Up Late) the Night Before

No matter how tempted you are to celebrate your new position, don’t do it. You’ll look tired walking into the office, and you won’t start your role on the right foot. Instead, prep yourself with a good dinner and something to relax you (no Netflix though, that’ll keep you up late!); then get a full night’s rest before your first day.

4. Jumping in Too Quickly

Naturally, you are eager to prove your worth as the newest member to your boss and co-workers, but make sure you don’t end up in over your head. It is better to spend your early days listening and getting accustomed to the office environment than overloading yourself with work.

5. Embarrassing Yourself With Rookie Fashion Mistakes

I cannot stress how important it is to make sure you are presentable when meeting co-workers and company execs as the new hire. Coffee stains, an unzipped fly or a tag left hanging make for office chatter, so take a hard look at yourself before heading into the office. 

6. Messing Up the Onboarding Process

There are specifics to your first few days at work like bringing relevant documents and identification or staying cognizant during the onboarding process. These seemingly monotonous tasks may appear tedious and boring (no one likes filling out tax forms, for example), but that makes you look even worse when making a mistake during the process. Be sure to pay attention and pay your full respects to HR or you could come off as foolish and incompetent.  

7. Talking Trash in Front of Your Co-Workers

This is just plain messy and unacceptable, but we all know that one co-worker who does it. Aside from being unprofessional and gaining you a bad rap, this kind of language creates a negative atmosphere. 

8. Failing to Ask Questions

Asking questions does not mean you are incompetent. If anything, questions show you are invested and want to make sure you get everything right. It is perfectly okay to ask as many questions as you need, especially during your first couples days and weeks on the job. In fact, your boss will probably be more concerned if you’re asking too few questions instead of too many. 

9. Forgetting to Show Up

And lastly, actually show up. Don’t make the same mistake famed Barcelona footballer Ronaldinho did after being hired as the team’s ambassador. That’s right, for his first day on the job, Ronaldinho was actually on a beach in Catalonia. In a normal job, you would be told to not come in for day two after making Ronaldinho’s mistake.

Overall, the best way to ensure a good start to any new job is taking it seriously. Making any of these mistakes shows your boss and coworkers that you do not care as much as you should about your new job.