How to Beat Writer’s Block on Your Healthcare Resume

After graduating from vocational training in your healthcare profession, you will want to land a job in your medical career. However, first you need to know how to craft a resume that works for you. Understanding the ins and outs of great resumes will propel you to the front of the line for a job interview. This infographic, “Career Guide: Perfecting Your Medical Resume,” created by Carrington College, can help you get started on your resume today. Here’s how to beat writer’s block and create an outstanding resume perfectly suited for your career goals.

Why Do You Need a Great Resume?

Potential employers judge you on your resume; your resume is a personal introduction of who you are, why you want the job and what you have accomplished. Most employers make a decision to interview a candidate within five minutes. In fact, 48 percent of employers claim to spend less than two minutes reviewing a resume, reports Consumer Affairs. Ninety-three percent of employers say that resume problems and inaccuracies leave a bad taste in their mouth. Great resumes give you an advantage when you use the following formatting traits, among others:

  • Chronological Organization
  • Bullet Points
  • Industry-Specific Phrasing

How Do You Create a Healthcare Resume?

CV vs. Resume

The majority of employers want resumes with an emphasis on the position sought. Depending on your training, you may need to prepare a Curriculum Vitae (CV), resume or both documents.

CVs contain extensive information about your training, background, teaching experience, and research. CVs are commonly required for doctors, positions in nursing education, and academic and research positions.

Resumes are typically less than two pages and summarize your experience. A healthcare resume may be required for positions in clinical settings, healthcare management and nursing.

Include Keywords

Your resume needs to include relevant keywords within your industry. This helps interviewers find what they’re looking for and, furthermore, keywords help digital marketing tools and systems sort through ineligible applicants. Keywords may also play a role while searching for a job on social media, explains USA Today: College.

Describe Industry Experience in Detail

Simply stating you have gained training does not explain how your skills make you qualified for the position. Include all pertinent information within your industry-specific experience. This may include grant applications, ER service and training, or volunteer work in healthcare.

Include Other Experience

Include work history outside of your healthcare experience, if applicable. For example, customer service positions show you have worked with others before and understand the need to provide a service.

Highlight Your Assets

Your assets may include being bilingual, having worked with advanced computer systems, and critical thinking skills. Your assets help hold an HR director’s attention and show what is unique about you.

Explain Yourself

Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell employers why you deserve to be hired. Explain how you feel about healthcare and how your role in their organization will be a positive influence on others.

Show You Will Continue to Learn

Include all coursework, classes, and certifications, which would enhance your qualifications in your resume. You want show you have a willingness to learn and grow in the field.

Almost There: Nail a Successful Interview

The goal in creating a great resume is to land an interview. Now, the interview is sort of an extension of the resume, in which you maintain professionalism and continue to highlight your skills and accomplishments in person. Here are a few basic tips to walk away feeling confident.

When you wear a previous employer’s uniform, even one that looks the same, it spells disaster for the interview. In the healthcare field, NEVER WEAR SCRUBS TO AN INTERVIEW!

Wear business attire and neutral-colored shoes to your interview. Make sure your suit is wrinkle-free, and make sure you shower before heading to the interview. Avoid messy hairstyles, and make sure you do not have bad breath.

After your interview, most employers will expect a thank-you email, so be sure to follow up.

Photo credit:

Audrey Jenkins

Published by
Audrey Jenkins

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