As you make your way through college, a common question you might ask yourself is what money-earning opportunity you can find to fill your time, your mind, and your wallet while also finishing your education. Luckily, as the world embraces flexible or remote working arrangements, there are several avenues that are now available for students looking to earn money while in school. One great example is Varsity Tutors – their innovative virtual tutoring platform has been helping students for years by making it easy for them to earn money while pursuing an education.
Recently, we chatted with a pair of current students who are tutors at Varsity Tutors about how the company is giving them everything they need to pursue an education, gain experience, and supplement their livelihood all while choosing their own hours and making extra cash throughout the week!
1. Flexibility
One of the very real aspects of most jobs is your lack of control over your schedule, either getting too few hours or too many while having little say in the end result.
The desire for flexibility is part of the reason the job market has seen such a shift towards more freelance, gig, and contract opportunities like tutoring. At Varsity Tutors (VT), you have the ability to take on as many or as few students as you want, while working with them to make a schedule that suits both of you.

2. Work-Life Balance
Gone are the days when people lock themselves into jobs that consume their entire lives, especially while they’re enrolled in college. While it may be important to make extra money in school it is also important to enjoy and embrace everything that the university experience has to offer.
The allure of having a good work-life balance makes tutoring with Varsity Tutors an opportunity that college students across the country have sought out. Much like the flexibility of scheduling, the ability to balance making money with everything else you have going on is why VT is perfect for someone who is busy.
Do you have drama club every Tuesday? Have a test you need to study for? No problem, talk to your student and find out a different time that works.
3. Remote Opportunities
As the world has come to find out over the last couple of years, remote work is here to stay. A study1 conducted by video-conferencing provider Owl Labs surveyed 3,000 employees in 23 countries over 6 continents and found that people who have the opportunity to work remotely at least monthly are 24% more likely to feel happy and productive in their roles.
Since Varsity Tutors offers fully-remote opportunities, these benefits are felt in their entirety. It doesn’t matter if you’re on-campus or at home for the holidays, VT allows you to tutor from where ever you are. Not only is it more comfortable, but the time and money you save on not having to commute or look for a new job for the summer will help you maintain your preferred schedule and cash flow.
Time is a valuable currency. Use all the time that you save to concentrate on school and to continue building the life you’ve always imagined.
4. An Opportunity That Grows with You
Everyone wants opportunities that stay new and fresh. In order to grow and learn you need to face new challenges! Luckily, at Varsity Tutors, you have the opportunity to delve into new subjects as you grow.
For example, say you tutor accounting while in college and eventually go on to become a CPA after you graduate. Then, you can return to VT to use your knowledge and experience to tutor students who are studying for their own CPA licenses.
As you advance through college and your career, you will be able to offer tutoring services in more subjects and on more advanced material. This growth can ultimately lead to you making more money!
1 Flex Jobs – New Study Finds Remote Workers Happier and More Productive
5. Frequent Payments
Waiting on money is never a fun experience. Especially when you’re in college where money can be scarce. Luckily, Varsity Tutors is very aware of these challenges for students. In order to accommodate tutors’ diverse needs, VT tutors get paid twice a week!
This payment schedule allows tutors to focus on tutoring and what they need to do to get through school. No more worrying about when your paycheck is going to land, no more worrying about not having money to spend on the weekend, and no more hitting up mom and dad when you need some extra cash.
The Perfect Combination
It goes without saying that being a tutor is one of the most rewarding opportunities for someone trying to grow and advance their career. While the flexibility, work-life balance, remote accessibility, and payment schedule are great, tutoring is really what you make it.
Take Columbia grad student Raul I De La Espriella for example. Raul ended up finding his love for teaching while tutoring with VT, which catapulted him into an entirely different career path.
“Through Varsity Tutors, I found that I really enjoy teaching the craft of writing. It’s a special kind of feeling when someone can understand that they can write and gain confidence about it. When I watch a student learn to enjoy writing there’s nothing like it.”
Raul I De La Espriella, Johns Hopkins, MA in Teaching Writing
After his experience with Varsity Tutors, Raul went on to switch his major from economics so he can pursue a career in education. This is a path he wouldn’t have taken if it weren’t for his impactful experience as a tutor for VT.
Whatever your reason for joining Varsity Tutors, know that it is a place for people who want to grow themselves in more ways than one. For more information on how to start tutoring with Varsity Tutors, check out their company profile.