Our 10-week Summer Analyst Program is designed to provide students a challenging, meaningful and supportive internship experience that replicates as closely as possible the experience of being a full-time BlackRock analyst. Summer Analyst orientation offers a thorough overview of the firm and the opportunity to hear from a number of senior leaders. Following orientation, interns receive on-the-job training and are given day-to-day responsibilities to contribute to assigned teams throughout the summer. The program also includes a portfolio challenge, innovation challenge (Hackathon), mentoring, and networking opportunities. The campus recruiting team also partners very closely with the Women’s Initiative, Multi-Cultural, OUT, and Veteran’s Networks to ensure the summer analysts can learn and interact with our employee networks.
The firm is highly committed to the summer analyst program and look to the summer internship as the main pipeline into the Analyst Program.
Important: Candidates may apply for a maximum of two positions per year and choose alternate regions for each role. If you withdraw your application, you will not be able to submit an application for a different role.
Also, once you submit your application you will immediately be invited to submit a Virtual Cover Letter and/or take a CodeVue assessment depending on the vacancy or vacancies you apply to. Please know, your application will not be complete until you submit your cover letter and/or CodeVue assessment so be sure to read all of the instructions when you receive the invite email.
Software Engineering at BlackRock builds products and services to meet the needs of BlackRock and all of our clients. Our technology culture and solutions help to distinguish BlackRock as an industry leader in both asset management and cutting-edge technologies. The team is made up of software engineers, data scientists, data engineers, quant developers, DevOps engineers, product managers, business analysts, UX engineers, UX designers and more, all working to drive innovation in the financial services industry.
Our teams are known for
Aladdin Risk for Wealth Management and Digital Wealth Management. There are also several specialized technology teams across other business areas.
As an analyst you will
Aladdin . . .
Real-time market data system
Leveraged Apache Storm to build a distributed, fault-tolerant platform to process streams of tens of millions of market data points for bonds and other financial instruments in real-time. The platform interacts with data stores such as Cassandra and Solr and uses machine learning algorithms to gain analytical insight into streaming data.
Predictive mortgage analysis
Created a distributed platform using Spark and Hadoop to analyze 1 billion loan-level mortgage observations growing at a rate of 25 million observations per month. Used machine learning algorithms on the entire data set to build a predictive model to identify whether a loan will default.
Engineering in the Works
This program is for candidates in their penultimate year and obtaining their bachelor’s degree or their master’s degree with less than 18 months full time work experience.
At BlackRock, we are all connected by one mission: to help more and more people experience financial well-being. Our clients, and the people they serve, are saving for retirement, paying for their children’s educations, buying homes and starting businesses. Their investments also help to strengthen the global economy: support businesses small and large; finance infrastructure projects that connect and power cities; and facilitate innovations that drive progress.