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U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy


Full Time
  • Responsibilities


    When you work in the civilian world, navigating the corporate ladder is up to you to figure out, for better or for worse. In the Navy, we want to see every Sailor grow into the best version of themselves, and that means providing the resources they need to help them advance their careers. Personnel Specialists help Sailors navigate the questions, challenges and opportunities that come with moving up the ranks. If you have a passion for helping others succeed and grow personally, or desire a future career in Human Resources, starting as a Personnel Specialist is guaranteed to open doors for you as you open doors for others.


    As a Personnel Specialist (PS), you’ll serve as a trusted source of information for your fellow Sailors as they advance their careers.

    Job responsibilities include:

    • Providing counseling related to Navy occupations, opportunities for general education and job training, promotion, rights and benefits
    • Interviewing personnel for assignment recommendations
    • Assisting Enlisted Sailors and their families with problems or personal hardships
    • Managing your duty station’s Career Information Program
    • Maintaining and entering data into Enlisted Service Records
    • Assisting with personnel transfers, separations and retirements
    • Serving as a cashier for the Navy and maintaining ATMs aboard ships


    From the day you start, you’ll receive:

    • Competitive salary
    • Potential to earn a bonus upon enlistment
    • Free health insurance
    • Free housing
    • A retirement plan
    • Paid training
    • College credit


    • Navy College Program and Tuition Assistance
    • Post−9/11 GI Bill, up to 100% tuition
    • Professional credentials and certifications
    • College credit hours toward a bachelor’s or associate degree through the American Council on Education


    • U.S. citizen or equivalent
    • High school graduate or equivalent
    • 17 years of age or older

    General qualifications may vary depending upon whether you’re currently serving, whether you’ve served before or whether you’ve never served before.


    These roles perform a variety of duties worldwide, at numerous overseas and stateside shore commands, aboard surface ships, aircraft and submarines. They generally divide time between assignments ashore and afloat.


    The role above is an Active Duty opportunity in the Navy, however there are part-time roles available. Serving part−time as a Navy Reserve Sailor, your duties will be carried out during your scheduled drilling and training periods. During monthly drilling, Personnel Specialists in the Navy Reserve typically work at a location close to their homes

  • Industry
    Government Administration
  • About Us

    America’s Navy is approximately 450,000 Sailors, 300 ships and submarines, and 3,700 aircraft strong. Water and salt flow through our veins in the same proportion as the sea. That mighty force is the lifeblood of the greatest Navy ever to sail unstoppably upon it, slip stealthily beneath it or fly unchallenged above it. And we defend with honor, courage, and commitment every hour of every day. We are America’s Navy. We are forged by the sea.