Iceland Internship (Environmental Science)

Global Treks and Adventures

Global Treks and Adventures

Iceland Internship (Environmental Science)

  • Responsibilities

    This internship offers the opportunity to help conduct field research in Reykjavik Iceland with one of our research teams. This expedition will focus on developing two publications:

    • Develop the first hiking trails magazine with short stories capturing the culture and environment of Iceland.
    • A naturalist guide and cultural guide website/web-app to Reykjavik and south Iceland.

    The ultimate goal of the publications is to provide travelers with insight into the culture and environment they will be traveling through. Information we will be capturing will include Icelandic culture, history, geography, geology, wildlife, natural resources, economy, health care, religion, tourism impacts and more.

    Interns will complete pre-trip investigative research, conduct action research for 1 week in Iceland, and spend 2 months wrapping up their research from their home or university during the summer or fall semester.

    "If you want to stand out from the crowd, give people a reason not to forget you.” - Richard Branson.

  • Related Video
  • Qualifications
    • We are currently looking for interns with a positive attitude and a desire to explore and learn about other cultures.
  • Industry
  • Fun Fact
    "If you want to stand out from the crowd, give people a reason not to forget you” Richard Branson.
  • About Us

    Global Treks and Adventures is an international travel company that leads research expeditions to remote locations in order to publish field guides and visitor guides to those regions.