Data Warehouse Cloud Engineer


Data Warehouse Cloud Engineer

Oklahoma City, OK
Full Time
  • Responsibilities

    Job Description

    • Responsible for the conception, design, development, and deployment of data architecture and data models
    • Work together with various business units to develop data warehouse platform vision, strategy, and roadmap
    • Follow various ETL Processes to prepare design for all metadata
    • Ensure high-performance access to diverse data sources
    • Enforce architectural constraints and reject designs which compromise system integrity
    • Participate in research, requirements definition, planning, design and execution of projects on enterprise Business Intelligence initiatives
    • Manage customer expectations to ensure strong customer satisfaction by meeting the business needs for IT systems in a timely manner
    • Performance tuning and enforcing repository best practices
    • Collaborate with business areas and data owners to successfully implement and maintain an enterprise level business analytics and data warehousing solution
    • Develop front-end, metadata and ETL specification to support business requirements for reporting across the organization
    • Modify Security as per the business needs
    • Deploy Code migration method and manage release control
    • Make configuration changes to improve performance
    • This job requires meetings, code deployments, and on-call responsibilities that occur after normal business hours. It also requires extended hours over the holidays
  • Qualifications


    • Must be authorized to work in the US without visa assistance now or in the future
    • At least 5 years in BI/DWH with a variety of platforms and industries
    • Strong operational experience with Oracle and Google Cloud Platform.
    • At least 5 years of Data Warehousing Experience.
    • Experience with ERP integration.
    • Business processes or knowledge/experience of developing BI solutions for enterprise process.
    • SME in Industry leading ETL/Data Integration tools
    • Well versed with Linux operating system and should be comfortable in writing shell scripts.
    • Excellent data profiling abilities.
    • Expert knowledge of SQL and related SQL procedure languages.
    • Strong Python programming skill.
    • Strong analytical skills to identify patterns and insights from large and complex data sets.
    • Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and oral/written communication skills.
    • Experience in managing data warehouse project and lifecycle initiatives.
    • Data Lake experience (GCP preferred)
    • Kubernetes and Kafka experience

    Additional Information

    • Competitive benefits package including Medical (including 24/7 online access to a physician), Vision, Dental and 401k with match eligibility
    • Opportunities for development and internal mobility
    • Manager and leadership training, biweekly L&OD webinars, and eLearning offerings
    • Companywide problem solving and continuous improvement training
    • Wonderful Giving ( - allowing you to donate company money to a cause of your choice
    • Company focus on wellness and health

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  • Industry