Part-time Coordinator of Sacred Music & Worship

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Part-time Coordinator of Sacred Music & Worship

Richboro, PA
Part Time
  • Responsibilities

    Part-time Coordinator of Sacred Music & Worship


    The Coordinator of Sacred Music & Worship is responsible for assisting the Pastor in planning for and overseeing the liturgical life and accompanying music for St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Richboro, Pennsylvania. They are responsible for assisting the Pastor in building a comprehensive program of music ministry that supports the Parish’s rich liturgical heritage and helps the parishioners sing, pray, and worship more fully and actively.

    Position Characteristics

    The Coordinator of Sacred Music & Worship is a part-time position. The candidate must be able to articulate an understanding of and a passion for the liturgical life of the parish. The ability to develop specific liturgical and musical goals will be essential to the success of the candidate. The candidate also must understand his or her role as a pastoral minister and have the willingness to work with forming the Parish Choir, working with, and recruiting, both volunteer and paid musicians and vocalists, selecting and playing seasonally appropriate liturgical music, planning liturgies, and establishing a comprehensive music program. Effectively collaborating with the Parish’s clergy and staff to elevate the offerings of song, prayer, and worship will be critical to the success of the candidate.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities Include

    • Provides musical and/or vocal accompaniment for Weekend and Holy Day Masses. It is understood that the candidate is available for no less than an average of two Masses per weekend, on a rotational basis. Vacation/leave time can be negotiated.
    • Recruits and works with other vocalists and musicians and provides feedback for them as needed to ensure the quality of their performances.
    • Works with the Pastor to craft an appropriate repertoire of regular hymnody, and will actively seek to update that library of appropriate sacred music and liturgical resources on a regular basis while working with the Parish’s congregation to introduce new music for more active participation.
    • Assists the Pastor in planning and executing various annual Parish liturgical celebrations including, but not limited to, 40 Hours Devotions, Holiday Masses, Advent/Christmas Season, Lent/Easter Season, Corpus Christi Sunday, and the like.
    • Will compose and oversee a Liturgy Team/Committee, which will comprise of parishioners who will meet on a seasonal basis to discuss planning for the liturgical life of the Parish.
    • Attends Pastoral Council Meetings both to catechize members regarding the Parish’s liturgical life while also receiving feedback regarding liturgies, and to implement such feedback as needed, in consultation with the Pastor.
    • Directs and rehearses with the Parish Choir on a regular basis. It is expected that the choir will rehearse for approximately one hour per week and should sing during at least two Masses per month.
    • Meets with couples as they plan their Wedding Mass/Ceremony and provide insight as to appropriate selections for music.
    • Provides musical and/or vocal accompaniment for Funeral Masses.
    • Provides occasional catechesis on Sacred Music for the Parish community, i.e., bulletin articles, weekly Flocknote messages, presentations, and the like.
    • Collaborates with staff members (ie: Director of Religious Education and Pre-School Director) to plan and implement sacred music and liturgical directives as they relate to their areas of ministry.
    • Working with the Children’s Choir who sings approximately twice a month. Rehearsals are once a week, in general.
    • Coordinates regular tuning and maintenance of the Parish's instrumentation including the organ and pianos.
    • Provides for his/her own spiritual and professional growth by pursuing continuing education and professional development in Sacred Music and Liturgy, especially with regard to Archdiocesan-sponsored meetings and events.

    Necessary Qualifications

    The ideal candidate is a practicing Roman Catholic in good standing with the Church and a joyful, faith-filled disciple. He/she will also possess:

    • Professional competence in organ and piano, along with vocal performance and proficiency in the reading of music.
    • A bachelor’s degree in music, sacred music, liturgy, or the equivalent is desired, but not necessary.
    • Experience and enthusiasm for offering varied Roman Catholic music and liturgical traditions.
    • Excellent collaboration and communication skills.
    • Previous experience as a Music Director for a Catholic parish or equivalent position is preferred.
    • The ability to work professionally and collaboratively with others.
    • Must provide (or obtain prior to employment) clearances required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania & the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

    Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and two references to the pastor, Father Stephen Paolino,

    The deadline for application packets is:

    Monday, August 12, 2024