Braintree, MA
Part Time
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    Paid time off

    BCBA Lead

    Tip: Update your job title to Board Certified Behavior Analyst

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    Company for this job

    Crushing It ABA Associates

    Number of openings


    Country and language

    United States



    632 Washington St, Braintree, MA 02184

    Job type


    Expected hours per week



    After school

    Evening shift

    Monday to Friday


    $75.00 - $80.00 per hour

    Patient demographics




    Travel requirement

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    Flexible schedule

    Paid time off

    Tip: Use competitive benefits

    The benefits below are competitive and commonly used across similar BCBA jobs in Braintree, MA on Indeed.

    Health insurance

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    Professional development assistance

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    Continuing education credits

    401(k) matching

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    Job description

    A BCBA/ Lead Supervisor provides supervision and training to employees of Crushing It ABA Associates, and social service agencies. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor provides direct 1:1 service to patients enrolled in Crushing It ABA Associates' ABA Program and provides training to parents. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor observes, monitors, and provides feedback to behavior technicians providing 1:1 ABA services. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor conducts assessments, monitors the progress of patients served through data analysis, and makes modifications to the patient’s treatment plan and protocols based on data analysis to ensure continued patient progress. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor assists in the development and acquisition of instructional/therapeutic materials, develops educational and/or treatment plan goals and objectives and writes technical reports. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor supervises fieldwork of BCBAs-in-training in accordance with the credentialing body’s requirements. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor reports to a high-tier BCBA.

    Job Duties:

    Able to schedule time with Employees for training and continue to handle caseload.

    Completing assessments and treatment plans (organizations may also wish to specify which assessments may be utilized and how often treatment plans are completed).

    Designing skill acquisition and behavior reduction programming.

    Training parents/guardians, caregivers and direct care staff on treatment plan protocols and behavior intervention plan strategies.

    Providing supervision to direct staff pursuing certification (if applicable).

    Maintaining a caseload (organizations should specify caseload expectations for their supervisors here).

    Maintaining communication with funding sources, such as submitting reports

    Accurately logging billable hours

    Collaborates within a three-tiered service delivery model for medical/governmental insurance cases by providing clinical direction to co-workers and following service provision guidelines.

    May assist in the development of a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP), attend IEP meetings, and cooperate with a child’s school program specialist.

    Organizes administrative time efficiently and productively with respect to clinical remote meetings and assigned administrative blocks and attends the regular meetings.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    Spanish Speaking

    Education: A master’s degree should be required for the supervisor position.

    Certification: All clinical supervisors should have a masters-level behavior analytic credential (i.e., BCBA certificate) prior to employment in the supervisory position.

    Background checks: All employees must successfully complete background checks before engaging in independent work with our patients.

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    Candidates contact you (email)

    Yes, at email address provided

    Fair chance hiring

    People with a criminal record are encouraged to apply

    Background check

    Yes, this job requires a background check


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    Job description *

    A BCBA/ Lead Supervisor provides supervision and training to employees of Crushing It ABA Associates, and social service agencies. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor provides direct 1:1 service to patients enrolled in Crushing It ABA Associates' ABA Program and provides training to parents. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor observes, monitors, and provides feedback to behavior technicians providing 1:1 ABA services. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor conducts assessments, monitors the progress of patients served through data analysis, and makes modifications to the patient’s treatment plan and protocols based on data analysis to ensure continued patient progress. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor  assists in the development and acquisition of instructional/therapeutic materials, develops educational and/or treatment plan goals and objectives and writes technical reports. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor supervises fieldwork of BCBAs-in-training in accordance with the credentialing body’s requirements. The BCBA/ Lead Supervisor reports to a high-tier BCBA. Job Duties:

    Able to schedule time with Employees for training and continue to handle caseload.

    Completing assessments and treatment plans (organizations may also wish to specify which assessments may be utilized and how often treatment plans are completed).

    Designing skill acquisition and behavior reduction programming.

    Training parents/guardians, caregivers and direct care staff on treatment plan protocols and behavior intervention plan strategies.

    Providing supervision to direct staff pursuing certification (if applicable).

    Maintaining a caseload (organizations should specify caseload expectations for their supervisors here).

    Maintaining communication with funding sources, such as submitting reports

    Accurately logging billable hours

    Collaborates within a three-tiered service delivery model for medical/governmental insurance cases by providing clinical direction to co-workers and following service provision guidelines.

    May assist in the development of a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP), attend IEP meetings, and cooperate with a child’s school program specialist.

    Organizes administrative time efficiently and productively with respect to clinical remote meetings and assigned administrative blocks and attends the regular meetings.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    Spanish Speaking

    Education: A master’s degree should be required for the supervisor position.

    Certification: All clinical supervisors should have a masters-level behavior analytic credential (i.e., BCBA certificate) prior to employment in the supervisory position.

    Background checks: All employees must successfully complete background checks before engaging in independent work with our patients.

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    This is a remote position.