Behavioral Health Therapist-Functional Family Therapist
Flexible schedule
Opportunity for advancement
Training & development
FFT Therapists must possess a Masters degree in Social Work, Counseling, Psychology, or Sociology. Pay range depends on degree level and experience. Therapist can fill a full-time position
Make a 1 year commitment
Requires 2-3 day training
FFT Therapist will carry a caseload of 10-12 cases, meet with families weekly in accordance to FFT model, strive to attain at least 10- 18 face-to-face contact hours per week, complete progress notes.
Therapists are required to attend weekly supervision and consultation.
FFT services are provided to families with multi-system involvement and who are at risk of having children removed from the home.
FFT therapist will be responsible for maintaining and building relationships with clients and referents.
FFT therapists are required to attend initial training and follow-up training.
FFT therapists must complete weekly paperwork and enter into EHR system.