Counselor - 10 Mo. - CVES - Apply 2/5/2025 - 6/13/2025

Alabaster City Schools

Counselor - 10 Mo. - CVES - Apply 2/5/2025 - 6/13/2025

Full Time
  • Responsibilities

    Multiple Positions





    1. A master's degree from an accredited college or university with a major in guidance and counseling and course work in psychology, testing and measurement, sociology, and education.

    2. Must be eligible for a valid teacher's certificate, with endorsement in counseling and guidance.

    3. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.

    REPORTS TO: Principal

    JOB GOAL: To help students overcome problems that impede learning and to assist them in making educational, occupational and life plans that hold promise for their personal fulfillment as mature and responsible men and women.


    1. Develop and implement an effective school guidance and counseling program.
    2. Define and interpret the guidance and counseling program to students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members.
    3. Coordinate the registration of new students and provide them with an orientation to school procedures and the school's various opportunities for learning.
    4. Assist students in developing a high school curriculum plan and provide a method for documenting and reviewing the plan annually.
    5. Assist in the placement of individual students with special needs in appropriate educational situations.
    6. Coordinate the procedure for the security and maintenance of students' educational records.
    7. Develop a method for recording student grades, attendance information, and other pertinent educational data.
    8. Maintain a file of catalogs, school profiles, and scholarship/financial aid information related to schools, colleges, and institutions offering post-secondary educational and vocational training opportunities.
    9. Coordinate special programs for students and parents concerning College Days, Career Days, Financial-Aid Sessions, and Area Vocational Center Tours.
    10. Coordinate the school's testing program.
    11. Prepare informative reports and materials for principals, teachers, students, and parents concerning the results of the school's testing program.
    12. Assist teachers in identifying and interpreting problems that interfere with a student's ability to learn.
    13. Provide individual and group counseling opportunities that may lead each student to increased personal growth, self-understanding, and maturity.
    14. Establish effective working relationships with employers, agencies, and other institutions that may be of use to teachers, parents, and students.
    15. Assume responsibility for coordinating appropriate follow-up activities.
    16. Assume responsibility for individual professional development and for attending appropriate professional meetings.
    17. Assume other appropriate duties assigned by the principal.

    TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Ten-month (207 day) or twelve-month (240) contract. Salary and work year set according to proper placement on current salary schedule and school calendar.

    EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy.

    SALARY: Appropriate placement on salary schedule.