Remote Virtual Assistant - Data entry / Online Research (no phone calls)
****Hello! We're looking for virtual assistants to support our remote data entry and online research team. You should be able to handle administrative projects and deliver high-quality work under minimum supervision. This is a very detail oriented job.
Responsibilities / Skills / Requirements:
Perform online research and data entry tasks
Basic Knowledge of Google Sheets
Access to high speed internet and a computer
You can speak and write in fluent English (you will never ever have to make any phone calls
Are located and currently reside in the United States
A high school diploma
Job Details:
Must be available 10-15 hours per week, consistently. It is Extremely important that tasks are due before the deadline, no exceptions.
Must be available every week with minimum notice. It is extremely important that time off is communicated at least 2 weeks beforehand to ensure tasks can be assigned to colleagues.
Extremely Flexible - For this job (as I do with the existing team), we assign projects at the beginning of the week that should be finished by deadline / sometimes the end of the week - you can work on it throughout the week whenever / wherever you'd like!
Right now we have a mix of office assistants, administrative assistants, and stay at home parents.
This job is very lowkey. Pay for a week's project may range anywhere from 100$ - $200
(Also - a lot of applicants we hire / interview tell me they weren't sure if this post was spam or not - to prove we aren't, I thought I'd add in our EIN#: 88-1539891)