Dining Services Associate (Part-Time)
Reports to: Director of Dining Services
Primary Responsibility:
The primary responsibility of the position is to assist in implementing and maintaining a successful dining program for the students, staff, administrators, parents, volunteers and visitors at Traders Point Christian Schools. This position will assist in various roles within our two cafeterias (Upper School and Lower School).
Position Goals:
To provide nutritious meals for students, staff and parents in a manner consistent with our school mission statement and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) guidelines.
** Qualifying Characteristics:**
The Dining Services Associate is a Christian with an authentic and a mature personal relationship with Jesus Christ in both their professional and personal life with a calling and commitment to Christian education. The ideal associate must have the desire to work closely with and nurture a positive relationship with students, parents, staff, school administrators and community members.
The associate must demonstrate respect for all students and community members. As an employee at TPCS, you are expected to instruct and model important religious functions that include Bible instruction, prayer, participation in weekly chapels, and other religious duties. At TPCS, your role involves a pastoral element whereby through example and direct instruction, you are acting as a minister of our Christian faith.
Physical Requirements:
Work Schedule: School Year (10 months, August through May)