If you enjoy staying active and seeing different locations, our Dollar Tree account is perfect for you!
Earn $1400 weekly delivering dry, 100% touch freight to various Dollar Tree stores in ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, AR, MO, IA, MN, WI, IL, KY, TN, and IN.
You'll hand unload using rollers. Enjoy weekly home time with a 34-hour reset, usually on weekends. Average 1800 miles per week at 70-80 CPM (based on experience).
3 months of tractor-trailer experience is needed. Drive well maintained Internationals, Freightliners, and Kenworth's.
Clean driving record
DOT Medical card
Minimum 3 months experience
Valid Class A driver's license
Urine and Hair Test
Weekly Pay
Unlimited Cash Referral Program
Dedicated client/company
Year-round freight, consistent miles! WE ARE NEVER SLOW DOWN!
Full Benefits -Medical, Dental, Vision & Retirement!