What is the specific title of the position? Care manager RN
Work Hours- 8am-5pm Monday-Friday
Position background- What does this position accomplish for the business? manages transition of care patients, triages, scheduling, hospital tracking and follow up, coordinating patient needs with hospice/vitas and much more.
Please describe the team the candidate will be working with (number of team members break-down of the team?s skill sets team culture etc.). team of 17, including 3 providers
What are the top 5-10 responsibilities for this position (please be detailed as to what the candidate is expected to do or complete on a daily basis)? patient care, managing hospital updates, discharges, transition of care needs and scheduling accordingly.
What does the ideal candidate background look like (ex: healthcare specific background specific industry experience etc.)? case management experience, healthcare background
What skills/attributes are required (please be detailed as to number of years of experience for each skill)? case management experience
What skills/attributes are preferred (what will set a candidate apart)? bilingual
Does this position require a professional license or certification? If so please list. Yes, RN
What is the dress code (ex: business casual scrubs etc.)? scrubs