Lawn Bowling Host

Brit's Pub

Lawn Bowling Host

Minneapolis, MN
Part Time
  • Responsibilities

    Our Lawn Bowling hosts look after our world famous lawn bowling court that is located on the outdoor rooftop deck level of the restaurant.

    Lawn Bowling hosts should

    • be fit and able to be on their feet for long periods of time
    • like working outdoors
    • enjoy working with the public and being part of a large work team
    • be friendly and communicative, able to talk with authority
    • be organized
    • be punctual, reliable and presentable
    • be able to work weekends as well as days and evenings (not necessarily all the time)


    • Bring up/take down bowls and other equipment as required
    • Instruct guests on lawn bowling and Brit's rules of etiquette
    • Collect and cash out correct payments
    • On League nights ensure correct scorecards are distributed, completed and collected in
    • On League nights help players with measurements and rule calls

    **Lawn Bowling hosts often work as regular hosts to at the front desk - particularly if wanting more hours