Library Media Specialist - THS - Apply 2/5/2025 - 6/13/2025

Alabaster City Schools

Library Media Specialist - THS - Apply 2/5/2025 - 6/13/2025

Full Time
  • Responsibilities

    Multiple Positions




    QUALIFICATIONS: As set by State of Alabama certification authorities

    REPORTS TO: Principal

    SUPERVISES: Library Media Aide

    JOB GOAL: To provide a library media program that includes organized resources and appropriate instructional activities in an environment conducive to learning.


    1. Prepares and administers the media budget as required.

    2. Evaluates, selects, and acquires media center materials and equipment to support the curriculum and to meet the varied interests, abilities, and needs of students and faculty.

    3. Re-evaluates materials and equipment regularly, weeding those which are obsolete or worn.

    4. Administers and maintains all information and circulation technology within the Library Media Program.

    5. Organizes and maintains media center records, statistics, and inventories.

    6. Creates an appropriate climate in the Media Center which defines expected behavior, enforces disciplinary policies in a consistent manner, and works to develop within each student a sense of self-discipline.

    7. Schedules the use of the facility and resources for the optimum accessibility to all students and faculty.

    8. Informs school community about library media center programs, materials, and services.

    9. Coordinates the school library media program with system-wide goals.

    10. Provides for the maintenance and repair of all media center equipment and materials.

    11. Organizes and maintains the media center as a functional, attractive, safe, and orderly environment for optimal use by students and faculty.

    12. Trains and supervises all media center staff and volunteers in the performance of their duties.


    1. Provides programs and services which encourage lifelong reading and learning.

    2. Assists students in developing listening, viewing, reading, comprehension, and information processing skills.

    3. Provides staff development opportunities in the use of information resources and in the utilization of information and instructional technologies.

    4. Collaborates with teachers to incorporate information skills into all areas of the curriculum.

    5. Works in cooperation with teachers to design activities, materials, and instruction which promote curriculum integration.

    6. Provides instruction in the operation of hardware necessary to use information in any format.

    7. Informs school community of laws and policies pertaining to the use and communication of ideas, such as copyright and acceptable use.


    1. Participates in district, school, departmental, and grade level curriculum design; integrates curriculum needs into the library media program.

    2. Assists teachers in the selection of books, other instructional materials, and equipment.

    3. Maintains a professional collection.

    4. Maintains a current file of selection resources which staff may use for ordering supplemental curriculum needs.

    5. Works with other libraries' personnel to coordinate efforts of common interest.


    1. Remains current in the library media profession through conferences, workshops, professional reading, and classes.


    1. Attends and participates in faculty meetings and works with other staff members in planning school activities, instructional goals, and objectives.

    2. Participates in extracurricular activities as mutually agreed upon by faculty and administration.

    3. Seeks assistance of specialists as needed.

    4. Maintains proper professional relationship with students and other employees.

    5. Assumes other appropriate responsibilities as required of other faculty members.

    6. Performs other reasonable duties during school necessary to the effective operation of the school when requested by the principal.

    TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Nine and 1/2 month contract (197 Days).

    SALARY: Salary according to proper placement on current salary schedule.

    EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy.