MN350 and MN350 Action Volunteer Position Description
Position Title: MEMBER, Board of Directors 3-5 positions, and one (1) position OPEN Finance Director.
Position Purpose: The Board of Directors is empowered by law, to act as a body to make major policy decisions and to govern the affairs of MN350 and MN350 Action in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
Selection/ Appointment By: Board of Directors
Accountable to: Board of Directors
Board Term: Each director serves for a two-year term. Board Members are subject to term limits: three full 2-year terms upon election, if there is an initial “stub” period it will not count against the term limit. .
Participation: Board meetings will be held every third Monday of each month and committee meetings will be held as determined by the board of directors and Executive Director.
Attendance: The Board Members are expected to attend the full Board meetings no less than 80% of the time and their committee meetings 67% of the time. To maximize board cohesion and involvement, attendance in person is strongly encouraged. Board meetings are virtual unless determined otherwise by the board. If a member is unable to comply with the attendance requirements, the discretion of recourse falls to either the Board President or the Committee Chairperson.
- Understand his or her fundamental legal duties:
- Duty of care – Each board member has a legal responsibility to participate actively in making decisions on behalf of the organization and to exercise his or her best judgement while doing so.
- Duty of Loyalty – Each board member must put the interests of MN350 and MN350 Action before his or her personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of MN350 and MN350 in a decision-making capacity. The organization’s needs come first.
- Duty of Obedience – Board members bear the legal responsibility of ensuring that MN350 and MN350 Action complies with the applicable federal, state, and local laws and adheres to its mission.
- Mission Alignment: Understand the MN350 and MN350 Action mission in order to make mission- and values-driven decisions.
- Oversight and accountability: Understand proper oversight measures that safeguard MN350 and MN350 Action resources.
- Community Relations : Represent MN350 and MN350 Action within the community; and act as an ambassador for the organization to advance organizational goals and values in the community and among policymakers.
- Committee Membership : Participate fully on at least one committee of the board
- Policy Making : Serve as a trusted advisor to the ED as s/he develops and implements MN35 and MN350 Action’s strategic plan and major policies for governing MN350 and MN350 Action. Help identify connections that can benefit MN350 and MN350 Action reputational standing and influence public policy.
- Planning, Review and Evaluation : Establish long-range corporate goals, approve yearly organizational operating objectives and budget, review periodically the progress toward goal accomplishment, review corporate goals annually and make appropriate adjustments
- Finance : Ensure that sufficient income is generated to carry out projects and activities resulting from board actions; Confirm a solid foundation is set for future funding of MN350 and MN350 Action.
- Fundraising : Engage in fundraising according to clear expectations set by the whole board of directors, with training and guidance provided.
- Evaluation of the CEO : Assess achievement of corporate objectives and corporate goals on an annual basis
- Active Participation : Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings
- Multiculturalism : Welcome, embrace, appreciate, and live MN350 and MN350’s values to create an inclusive environment in the organization.
Subscribe to the mission and principles of MN350 and MN350 Action and model behavior consistent with the mission and principles.
Model welcoming and inclusive behavior toward people of all genders, ages, races, religions, cultures, abilities, sexual orientation, educational and economic backgrounds.
Possess the ability to think and act wisely with objectivity, vision and perspective. Able to interact comfortably and respectfully with people of many different backgrounds.
Keep abreast of current trends and developments.
Participate in and regularly attend board meetings.
Attend other meetings and events as appropriate to the position of a board member.
Interested parties should send a resume and cover letter explaining why they are interested in joining our organization to:
Tee McClenty
Executive Director
MN350 & MN350 Action