Multilingual Education Specialist (25-26)

KIPP Texas Public Schools

Multilingual Education Specialist (25-26)

austin, TX +1 location
Full Time
  • Responsibilities

    Job Description

    The Multilingual Education Specialist plays a central role to support the school in fulfilling the KIPP Texas’ mission by directly impacting the academic and linguistic success of all Multilingual Learners. The Multilingual Education Specialist is a campus leader who supports the administration of the multilingual program, leading both instructional coaching on sheltered instruction pedagogy and monitoring compliance for all EBs on their campus.

    The Multilingual Education Specialist leads professional development of teachers regarding English Language Development (ELD), linguistic accommodations, and instructional practices for emergent bilingual students The Multilingual Education Specialist also provides ESL instruction with small groups of newcomer/beginner students for 1-2 class periods per day.

    The Multilingual Education Specialist also is responsible for communicating with parents of emergent bilingual students and planning Title III parent, family, and community events. The Multilingual Education Specialist reports to the School Leader and follows a 12-month calendar.

    As a Multilingual Education Specialist, you will internalize and drive towards academic and language development goals for multilingual students by ensuring: ·

    • 100% of KTX School achieve an A or B rating - TBD
    • KTX meets Domain III TELPAS growth goals
    • KTX meets EB Academic Achievement STAAR/EOC goals for reading and math
    • 90% of teachers score a 3+ on the implement sheltered instruction strategies
    • 90% of newcomer EBs receiving ELDA intervention will make one-level proficiency growth
    • 90% of federal and state compliance requirements are completed on-time
    • Plan and execute three Title III events to increase and strengthen family, parent, and community engagement

    Key Responsibilities and Duties

    Sheltered Instruction Coach

    • Use campus data to identify and prioritize courses and teachers to improve EB academic achievement
    • Lead multilingual professional learning for teachers and school staff. This will come in the form of sheltered instruction coaching cycle, leading content team meetings, lesson internalizations, data meetings, and campus-wide professional development.
    • Monitor progress of teachers' use of content-based language instruction strategies.
    • Highlight best linguistic practices across grade levels.
    • Enhance Multilingual program hiring practices and support ESL paraprofessionals and Bilingual/ESL teacher retention

    Multilingual Case Manager

    • Responsible for completing BOY, MOY, and EOY LPACs and related activities on time with fidelity and validity.
    • Responsible for the planning and campus-wide execution of TELPAS and TELPAS ALT.
    • Build strong relationships with all emergent bilingual (EB) students across the campus.
    • Teach 1-2 English Language Development and Acquisition (ELDA) courses to newcomers, beginners, and intermediates.
    • Monitor usage and growth on Summit K12 for all EBs on campus.
    • Facilitate specific EB Title III events with parents, families and the community to foster welcoming school culture.
  • Qualifications


    Skills and Qualifications:

    • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university
    • Demonstrated knowledge of core subject area assigned
    • Texas Teacher Certificate appropriate for level and/or subject area of assignment
    • Must be considered highly-qualified based on NCLB guidelines, if applicable
    • Satisfactory outcome of a background check. Employees are responsible for a non-refundable fingerprinting fee (approximately $50.00).


    • Unwavering commitment to KIPP Texas mission, students, families, and community
    • Strong record of helping students achieve academic success
    • Strong desire to teach an academically intense curriculum and commit to an extended school day, week, and year
    • Desire to continuously learn and increase effectiveness as a teacher and professional; offer and receive constructive feedback
    • Willingness to be flexible and to go above and beyond to meet the needs of KIPP Texas students

    Additional Information

    KIPP provides equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees. As an equal opportunity employer, we hire without consideration to race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or disability.

  • Locations
    austin, TX • Dallas, TX