Permit and Inspection Assistant

Exact Solar

Permit and Inspection Assistant

Newtown, PA
Part Time
  • Responsibilities


    Opportunity for advancement

    Paid time off

    Flexible schedule

    Primary responsibilities include assisting with permit picks ups in PA and NJ. As well as attending inspections, and communicating with the inspector. Ideally, you should also be able to assist with drone operating and be able to pass a drone operating test.

    Ability to work flexible hours during normal business hours

    Good communication skills

    Part time position - about 10-25 hours per week

    Ability to take clear notes on inspectors' change order requests

    Ability to write clear and detailed emails

    Ability to open up and close electrical equipment and boxes

    Ability to set up and climb ladders when necessary

    Personal vehicle necessary, although reimbursement for mileage is given

    Clean driving record is a necessity

    Be able to assist with drone operating and pass the drone operating test

    Growth opportunities available and opportunity to grow with a local company