Are you interested in or already on your path toward Physical Therapy school or a similar degree? Would you like to establish yourself with a world-class physical therapy company? If so, FYZICAL's Rehab Technician position in Provo, UT, is the perfect fit for you!
Just to tell you a little more about the internship, We have quite a few pre-PA, pre-Pt, pre-med, nursing etc students in our internship because it's a fun way to get patient care hours since patients are coming in on a regular basis and it's an opportunity to really build connections with patients. Our goals with the internship include:
This is a paid internship. . .but it is an internship and is not highly paid as I don't have large budgets to work with but I'm trying to help as many students get started as I can.
If this sounds like what you are looking for, I am currently interviewing for students who can work on either M, W, F mornings or afternoons and for a waitlist for T, TH afternoons.
The interview location will be at 3303 N Univ Ave, Provo, UT 84604. Let me know if you would like to interview. Would you be interested in our PT Clinic in PROVO, OREM or LEHI? Lynda Manager FYZICAL