Residential and Commercial Painting Independent Contractor
We Offer:
Flexible Work Schedule: We can fill gaps in your schedule
Small Business: Local business with an owner who works alongside the team each day
You are your own boss: We provide the work, you manage the jobsite and your crew.
Interior and Exterior painting and staining of residential properties and some light commercial properties
Meet schedule and quality standards and expectations of each customer
Provide extraordinary customer experience in addition to quality work
Maintain safety and job site cleanliness
Complete necessary jobsite paperwork
Work as a team with other members of the 360 Painting staff
Prior painting experience (six months) and/or growth mindset
Ability to be on time and maintain a schedule
Communication skill
Be a self-starter and self-motivated
Drivers' license with good driving record
High Energy and Durability
Company Overview
360 Painting is a well-known, fast-growing national paint company specializing in residential and commercial painting. We have been featured as Entrepreneur Magazine’s.
*All 360° Painting locations are independently owned and operated. All positions identified here are positions offered by individual 360° Painting franchisees who will interview, hire, pay, manage, etc. the person who is hired for that respective position at each specific location. All 360° painting employment opportunities potentially identified through this page are offered.
This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive and the employee will also perform other reasonably related business duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor and other management as required. The business reserves the right to revise or change duties as the need arises.
*All 360 Painting locations are independently owned and operated. All positions identified here are positions offered by individual 360 Painting franchisees who will interview, hire, pay, manage, etc. the person who is hired for that respective position at each specific location. All 360 Painting employment opportunities potentially identified through this page are offered by individual 360 Painting franchisees. These positions are not through 360 Painting Inc. or the franchise. They are offered exclusively through local 360 Painting franchisees.