Work with me, in my home, and do the following: 1. Unpack boxes 2. Find new "homes" within my new house for items in boxes to "live" 3. Lend moral support in determining which items will stay and which will be donated to Good Will. 4. Lend moral support in sorting through boxes of memorabilia, and determining which items in boxes of memorabilia will tossed and which will stay. 5. Contribute to organizing said memorabilia. 6. Assistance in rearranging furniture 7. Assistance in hanging art 8. Assistance in sorting through documents to be kept and those to be tossed. Assist in system for keeping said documents. 9. Assist in creating photo albums for photos in boxes of memorabilia. Qualifications: 1. Must be 100% vaxed 2.Must have prefrontal cortex on the way to being fully developed such that you have good executive functioning skills, i.e. the ability to orient, discern, determine, decide. Good attention to detail, good working memory, and excellent organization skills. 3.Must be willing to be trained to do the work in the manner in which I like it to be done, listen closely, and follow through on a direction with accuracy. 4.Must be able to respond to constructive criticism with maturity. 5. Must know that not oversharing about one's personal life and respecting one another's boundaries of privacy is important in my home. I'm kind, courteous, ethical, sort of funny some times, and intelligent. Please be the same. Payment is $25 per hour, 12 hours a week. If you do an outstanding job after one week, you will get my praise through a raise. This is a short term gig, but I'm not sure for how long. Please be close enough to get to Carpinteria to get to my home without a fuss or complaint about your transportation to work. Please know that I have a very friendly and fluffy cat. That said, if you're allergic to cats, you likely will be uncomfortable in my home because his fur finds its way into everything.