Our Tutors will promote literacy, math, and academic development to help school aged students raise performance to a level consistent with state education standards. The services will be provided through one on one direct sessions, or small groups of 2-4 students. Tutors will be responsible for providing evidence based strategies in an appropriate manner based on the student’s age, academic ability, learning styles, characteristics and special needs. Tutors will develop/design an education plan to address the student’s needs taking into consideration things such as race, culture, ethnicity and personal history.
Tutors will incorporate a variety of learning tools/styles in various places in the community such as libraries, museums, or anywhere that promotes learning. Services may take place after school, weekends, and/or anytime school not in session. Tutors must be committed to on-going professional and social development.
Complete student assessments within 10 days of receipt of referral
Research and implementation of evidence based curriculum
Implement parental and educator engagement plans
Report student progress to caregivers and teachers
Complete re-assessments at minimum every 90 days
Plan and establish a safe learning environment for all participating students
Create and implement education plans based on the completed assessment
Document all tutor sessions in progress notes located on Google Drive
Adhere to VOICES guidelines & policies and to those of the facility, reporting any incidents or problems as outlined in the policy and procedure manual
Be a positive role model to students, care givers, and educators
Bachelor’s degree(B.A.); or at minimum 60 hours of post-secondary education credit hours in education, social work, psychology, or related field
At least two years’ experience working with youth and families
Well-versed in the curriculum they will be helping the students with
21 years of age
Valid driver’s license
Reliable vehicle & insurance
Pass applicable background checks