Job Summary: The goal of the Youth Ministry (Middle and High School) is to build disciples for Christ, equipping them to share their faith with others, serve God, family ,church ,community and the world. To fulfill the mission of discipleship in relational environments.
Develop and implement a comprehensive approach to student ministry. This comprehensive approach is based on the understanding of the primary task of youth ministry to:
•disciple the youth and young adults into a personal relationship with God in both large group and smaller relational environments
•grow the youth ministry by creating attractive and compelling environments to which our youth can invite their non-Christian friends.
•build a team of passionate adult youth leaders/coaches to help mentor and disciple the youth
•teach the youth and young adults the Gospel and what it requires from them
•provide them with opportunities for nurture and growth
•show Jesus' love through modeling
•challenge the youth and young adults to respond to God's call to serve and give at our church, in their communities and world
•support and assist the parents in the process of discipling their youth
•equip the current youth to share the Gospel with their friends
•build a ministry that engages with local Middle and High schools in the area, through an on-campus ministry
•Be an advocate for youth and young adults and educate the congregation about the hopes, concerns and needs of youth in the local church and community.
•Help plan, develop, and implement all aspects of a balanced youth ministry.
•Mentor youth and young adults in developing their leadership skills.
•Stay abreast of new resources and changes in youth ministry and youth culture and adjust our programming as needed to maintain a current and effective program.
• Share these changes with the parents to assist them in better understanding their youth and
the culture they live in.
• Participate in continuing education events and training opportunities.
• Provide parents with continuing education and training in the area of raising their youth.
• Recruit and train volunteers to serve in various aspects of youth, and young adult ministry
and ensure adequate adult to youth ratios.
• Be a liaison between the church and other community organizations, people, and resources
that relate to youth ministries.
• Coordinate Sunday curriculum for youth (grades 6-12) and recruit youth leaders/coaches to
assist with the weekly teaching and mentoring the youth.
• Select the curriculum, teach or coordinate others teaching, for all mid-week classes.
• Provide leadership for youth leaders/coaches, mentors, and parents beyond the classroom.
• Work in partnership with schools in the area to effectively reach youth in the community and
develop a strategic ministry outreach plan.
• Keep records of youth participation and manage the youth ministry budget.
• Communicate with the youth and parents in a timely manner and as effectively as possible
using all available resources (email, website, bulletin, texting, etc.) This includes regular
parent emails regarding upcoming events, weekly youth check in texts and periodic articles
on church website etc.
• Be available to encourage, challenge, and counsel the youth, young adults and parents
towards effective lives as followers of Jesus if needed outside of typical office hours
• Work in concert with the gifts and talents of other staff members and maintain a strong
teamwork mentality.
• Attend all NHM Chapel sessions, Staff Meetings as well as any other regular scheduled
• Ensure that Child Protection and Risk Management policies and procedures are observed in
all youth ministry settings.