Sponsored by Maximus
Sponsored by Maximus
Sponsored by Maximus
Career Paths
As a leading strategic partner to governments across the globe, Maximus helps improve the delivery of public services amid complex technology, health, economic, environmental, and social challenges. With a deep understanding of program service delivery, acute insights that achieve operational excellence, and an extensive awareness of the needs of the people being served, our employees advance the critical missions of our partners. Maximus delivers innovative business process management, impactful consulting services, and technology solutions that provide improved outcomes for the public and higher levels of productivity and efficiency of government-sponsored programs.
"I've expanded my knowledge of financial modeling and how to then, through analysis, articulate the key takeaways to upper management. I've improved my communication skills, which are so important for success at any job, to clearly, and concisely present information to leadership so that they can easily understand and make informed decisions."
— Colleen, Intern
1600 Tysons Blvd McLean, VA 22102