2025 Biotech Entry-level Jobs in West Virginia

Biotech entry-level jobs are exciting positions in which professionals within the field study things like the composition of cells and other living things, cell development and other processes, and all things human. The vast majority of biotech jobs call upon their professionals to work in laboratories and/or medical settings, though there is always some level of variety within the field. Another positive thing about these positions, other than the exciting work that practitioners get to engage in, is the high rate of pay. The average hourly salary for professionals within the field is around $38.17. It’s also a rapidly growing industry, with 25,100 people working within it as of 2010 and job opportunities expected to grow exponentially—around 31% by 2020! With so many jobs in biotech fields available, and with more on the way, you may be wondering what kinds of places, other than standard lab and/or medical settings, have these types of positions available. entry-level jobs in biotech fields are often available through firms doing agricultural research, colleges and universities, plant breeding facilities, laboratories designed for commercial testing of goods, the Environmental Protection Agency and its subsidiaries, and some other very high profile government organizations as well. Just as workplaces within the field can vary, so can job titles and descriptions. You might become a food scientist, developing new ways to make foods last longer or to make foods retain their nutrients more effectively, or you could become a toxicologist, studying poisons and working to safeguard people and animals against them. The possibilities are truly unending, and you might just be surprised where this field can take you if you give it a chance.

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