2025 International Relations Entry-level Jobs in South Dakota

So, you’ve graduated and now you’re looking for entry-level jobs in international relations. Though it can be somewhat difficult to find (and land!) your dream job, you should know that there are opportunities out there; you just have to be committed to finding them and to putting your best foot forward during the application and interview process. Some of the most sought after jobs in international relations are offered through diplomatic organizations, including and especially the Foreign Service of the United States. Through this organization, you could land a job at an American embassy in a foreign country or with the State Department in the United States. When you work with the Foreign Service, you are employed in a specific track, the categorizations for which include politics, consular services, economic affairs, and management. Do bear in mind, however, that these jobs are incredibly competitive and require rigorous testing and very thorough background checks. While you’re waiting for a foreign services job to open up or if you are not qualified for those international relations entry-level jobs, you may consider working in a civil service position, with the military, congress, the United Nations, the world bank, or a variety of other government organizations. There are also possibilities for private employment, with international relations jobs as consultants, international bankers, and non-profit organizations workers being widely available. These jobs, while still competitive, tend to be much easier to land than other, more prestigious jobs within the industry. It is also important that you examine your skills set and spend time considering what your exact abilities are and where they could best be put to use.

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