2025 Music Entry-level Jobs in West Virginia

So, you studied music in school, made music a lifelong passion, and now you’re looking for entry-level jobs in music. Chances are that, if you’re like most aspiring musicians, you want to sing or perform full-time. While it is possible to find music jobs that allow you to do this, it’s important to note that around half of the musicians working in the United States fully support themselves through music while the other half takes on work in addition to their musical careers or perform music for a particular organization, such as a local symphony or via shows at entertainment venues. Of course, if you truly love performing, you won’t care how or where you work—you’ll just be happy that you have an opportunity to perform your art! Those with performing jobs in music tend to make around $22.39 per hour on average, and the number of hours worked varies greatly from one professional to the next. Of course, if you become a major performing artist, the potential earnings are astronomical. While you’re waiting for your big break, however, there are other music entry-level jobs you may wish to consider. Many people, for example, teach music at the collegiate level. In fact, an impressive 92,570 musicians are employed doing just that, and these professionals make an average salary of around $73,340 per year, though some teachers earn as much as $125,440 per year! There are also opportunities for teaching private lessons and for teaching music at the high school or elementary school level. While teaching might not be the same as performing, it can be a good option if you want to earn money and pass your love of music onto others. Plus, you can still work toward superstardom in the meantime.

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