2025 Research Entry-level Jobs in West Virginia

If you’re the kind of person who always has to find an answer to the questions you have, then entry-level jobs in research may just be for you. Those who enjoy making new discoveries, performing studies, and challenging currently held beliefs will enjoy jobs in research, and fortunately, there are plenty of jobs to go around. Occupational research analysts, for example, make up a large chunk of the research industry and earn around $70,960 per year on average. Land this position, and you could spend your time mulling over the internal processes of various organizations and coming up with new ideas and techniques to make things go more smoothly. Seeing the plans, ideas, and strategies that arise from your research can be incredibly rewarding. One research entry-level job where you’ll get to see a lot of that is as a market research analyst. If you’re interested in understanding why a particular product sells (or doesn’t sell), who is or isn’t buying it, and in what can be done to make a product appeal to a particular group or subset of people, this job is right up your alley. Market research analysts earn an average salary of $60,570 per year and enjoy a lot of upward mobility. These are just a couple of the research jobs available. You could improve the efficiency of different organizations as an operations research analyst or spend your days as an actual scientist or academic performing research that’s important to you. Explore these and other great career options to find your dream job.

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