2025 Virtual Internships in West Virginia

Time and space are no longer barriers when considering a program, thanks to the rise of virtual internships. With 33 percent of employers hiring virtual interns and 71 percent of students open to the idea of holding a virtual internship, it’s a practice that is on the rise. For good reason, too—internships in the virtual dimension offer many benefits for employers and students alike. For one, the region of opportunity widens to include all of the United States (or the globe, for that matter). It’s entirely conceivable for a college student in Omaha, Nebraska to manage customer support for a startup in Austin, Texas through channels like Desk.com, and for a manager to direct projects from a couple time zones away via Skype or Hipchat. Another advantage of a virtual internship is the flexibility of working from home, with “home” being anywhere with a wifi connection. Students juggling classes and extracurricular commitments will be grateful for the chance to optimize their work schedules, and employers will be glad to accommodate flex hours for top-quality work. Virtual internships are diverse, but some positions lend themselves to remote work better than others. Positions in social media, content writing, and graphic design, for example, are a great fit for virtual interns who want the experience without the confines of an office space.

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