Is Your Employer Branding Highlighting This Critical Gen Z Concern?
November 25, 2019

Is Your Employer Branding Highlighting This Critical Gen Z Concern?

Alex Csedrik

It’s a common misconception that Gen Z and Millennials have interchangeable employer preferences and career aspirations. But the reality is more nuanced.

That’s why discerning, forward-thinking companies account for the differences between the demographics in their early-career recruitment process. And when it comes to Gen Z, there’s one specific trait that distinguishes them from their Millennial counterparts.

Here’s what you need to know about Gen Z—and how employer branding can help you show what this demographic wants from an employer.

Your Social Outreach Is Critical To Your Company’s Success

Even more so than Millennials, Gen Zers want to work for companies that are committed to giving back, according to Heartbeat’s The Employee Voice report, which is based on more than 11 million employee comments from their Peakon platform. They found that “Gen Z is…one of the only generations to reference social concerns with employee comments.”

In other words, this demographic actively cares about your company’s social outreach. And your organization’s programs could make—or break—your early-career recruiting efforts.

How Your Employer Branding Can Highlight Your Outreach

Your company may already have a very vibrant social outreach program. Top talent just doesn’t know about it—yet.

That’s why your employer branding needs to highlight what your organization does to give back to the community. Here are several ways you can do this:

●  Share pictures and videos of employees at volunteer events.

●  Write articles that focus on these efforts—and why they’re important to your company.

●  Mention on your website how your company emphasizes sustainability.

●  Include your commitment to improving the community in your company’s mission statement.

These are just a few ways your company can showcase its social commitment.

If you want to recruit—and hire—top Gen Z talent, make sure your employer branding illustrates how your organization prioritizes these sorts of initiatives. 

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